Wapakoneta, Ohio —- Independents Fiber Network, the leading provider of high-capacity network services, operating in Northwest Ohio, Northeast Indiana, and Southeast Michigan, has a renewed focus on serving the business community of Greenville, Ohio. Independents sees Greenville as a growing, thriving community that fits well into their strategic plan to increase the reach of their high-demand fiber optic network and services in Greenville, Ohio.
Independents Fiber Network is already serving several key customers throughout Greenville and the greater Darke County area that span several market channels, including utilities, manufacturing and healthcare. Independents will aggressively grow its network within the Greenville community by reaching out to enterprise businesses along their fiber routes, as well as, potential future routes.
Nathan Zehringer, Director of Sales and Marketing, stated, “Constructing our network to serve one entity puts the onus on that customer to pay for the majority of the construction costs. By signing on several customers along a projected route, it helps reduce or eliminate these costs to the customer and help us deliver our industry leading services on a more economical scale.”
Zehringer went on to say, “Independents Fiber Network has traditionally served as a ‘middle-mile’ carrier in the region, only serving very strategic customers directly. As the market has changed, we are seeking new ways to leverage our carrier class network to serve the communities where we are already well-positioned. This has caused us to move from our old model into a new one where we will vigorously seek to become the ‘last-mile’ provider for our services.”
Independents Fiber Network has a history of providing fiber optic connectivity and network services in some of the most rural parts of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. They currently provide commercial services in thirty-one Ohio counties, three Southeast Michigan counties and six eastern Indiana counties.
About Independents Fiber Network: Independents Fiber Network was established in 2003 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of CNI. Independents Fiber Network is an Ohio-based company that brings high performance, high capacity Ethernet-over-Fiber solutions including voice, video, and data services to better serve our customers. By operating a fiber optic backhaul network dedicated to serving rural and underserved communities in Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, Independents delivers connectivity you can count on for mission-critical operations ensuring business continuity and access when you need it most. For more information, please visit Independents Fiber Network’s website at www.ifnetwork.biz or call us toll-free at (800)634-4032.
For Additional Information, Contact:
Nathan Zehringer, Director of Sales & Marketing
13888 County Road 25A
Wapakoneta, OH 45895